
do you have questions?Do you have relationship questions?

Want to know what is happening with or to important people in your life? Gail can tell if a love interest is a keeper or a cheater and let you know if you should take him/her back (if he/she comes back).

Are you concerned about financial or career matters?
Gail can tell you about your money situation, if money will be tight, if investments are growing or decreasing. She can help you see job prospects, where the company is going, what the best career for you might be, whether or not you should go back to school for more training and education.

Are you looking for information to help your children?
Gail is able to see a vocation or type of work a high school senior is best suited for, what their talents, abilities, and difficulties in school are. She can see medical or emotional concerns. Octavia says: My son is now 27 years old, we first met Gail when he was 7 years old. Through her insight she was able to see his spiritual journey. All that time she saw he had the potential to become a accomplished musician. He is now sought by the Christian community for his music.


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Schedule a private reading with Gail on our Contact page.

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